Migrant Workers Do Not Have Bank Accounts, So in Addition to Cooperating with the Local Banking Industry, It Also Cooperates with Electronic Wallets, Telecommunications Industries and Even Cash Companies, and the Interface Channels Are Extremely Diverse. However, in Different Countries, Different Cooperation Channels, and Different Transaction Times, the Amount of Data Is Not Only Huge and Diverse, but Also the Policies of Various Governments and the Security and Privacy of Users. How Can Emq Master All This Data to Ensure That Services Are Highly Integrated and Legal What About Compliance? Dsc00462 Photo Credit: the News Lens Brand Studio Harry Teng, Head of
Engineering at Emq "Although We Provide Financial Services, We Need to Know How to Use and Make Good Use of Technology from the Beginning to Push Financial Services Forward." Harry Teng Said That the Team Believes That Instead of Building Its executive list Own Technology Platform, It Is Better to Use the Mature Aws Cloud. Data Analysis Tools and the Experience of Aws in Different Countries Are Timely Applied to the Service Needs of Various Countries, and Also Provide Local Governments with Operational and Data Security Instructions Required by the Financial Innovation
Period. in the Field of Data Analysis, Building a Good Infrastructure Is an Important Key, Which Is Led by the Data Pipeline. Yi Allianz Uses Aws Glue, Amazon S3, Amazon Athena, and Amazon Quicksight on the Aws Platform to Build a Data Analysis Pipeline. in Addition to Analyzing Financial Raw Data Involving Different Countries, Channels and Transaction Times, It Also Greatly Reduces Analysis Time and Reduces Data Processing Time. Efficiency Has Grown by a Factor of About 750. Emq Uses Aws S3 to Build a Data Lake, So That Analysis on Aws Glue and Amazon Athena Can Run Smoothly. in Addition, Not Only Engineers Can Access Data Arbitrarily, but Also Because Amazon Athena