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They not only possess an anabolic (muscle and strength building) component, but an androgenic (affecting sexual characteristics) element as well. Why do they have such an incredible effect on muscle and muscle gains? They're mostly due to the anabolic effect of caffeine. This is the main effect of caffeine which causes muscular and anabolic effects, but not just any anabolic effect. The anabolic and anandrogenic effects of dietary caffeine can also be caused by caffeine ingestion in the form of coffee, tea and coffee extracts, with its use being well documented. So what exactly are these effects? There are two reasons why these effects may occur: 1 – The caffeine from coffee is directly absorbed through the intestinal mucous membrane into the bloodstream, and can be absorbed directly into muscle cells. 2 – The caffeine from tea is absorbed via the stomach and intestines. The caffeine is then absorbed directly into cells and tissue. Both of these mechanisms are dependent on the action of caffeine, which is the principal anabolic element found in caffeine. So now you know what exactly makes caffeine so effective, and so powerful in increasing muscle gains and muscle mass to a whole new level. There's really no need to explain this one as there are many well-known and researched benefits of consuming coffee and tea. But you don't only need these effects; you simply need to know the mechanisms that give caffeine its strong and impressive effects. And we need to know the mechanism by which caffeine induces these effects if we can understand how to increase our gains by consuming caffeine. So how do you know what mechanisms coffee and/or tea consumption have that can produce these benefits? Well the first thing to understand is that even though coffee and tea can have effects on fat loss, they can have an incredible effect on maintaining muscle mass. So even though they can lower your body fat percentage, which may be beneficial, even if you're a total body fat loser, the caffeine can still cause fat loss to increase. This makes them a powerhouse of fat loss and muscle gain. 2 – Coffee and tea affect your brain, and your mood. There have been several studies (which I'll cover further in a later article) showing that caffeine intake can increase levels of the stress hormone cortisol in both men and women to a significant extent – something which can have beneficial effects on health as well as mental health. Stress, like an internal battle internally, increases the effects produced by cortisol. We can find out more about cortisol in the sections below. Caffeine's effects on our brain, and how it can increase our Related Article: